Surprise! We’re Having A Baby!
Well, Jimmy is having a baby…
Join us in celebrating Jimmy and his fiance, Angelica,’s latest milestone: becoming expecting parents! Jimmy was the last apprentice SHED accepted. Now he’s not just a well-trained barber but a much-loved member of the community. Jimmy and his family are waiting until the big day this May to learn the baby’s gender. So, if you’d like to congratulate him or give him a gift, colors like tan, green, and white are perfect.
Check out Jimmy’s journey as a barber and being part of the SHED cult on his Instagram. If you’re already a fan, like us, go ahead and set up your next appointment with him. The man’s got a family to feed!
* Inconspicuously drops the Baby Registry *
Local Spotlight

Bright Beginnings has been family-owned here in Austin since 1983. For the past 40 years, locals have kept this boutique close to their hearts and close to their families. It’s hard to beat that track record. Specializing in babies and children, Bright Beginnings offers baby-approved clothing, tried and true essentials, and heart-warming children’s books. This is also the perfect place to go for advice when you have absolutely no clue what to get your friend’s kid.
Are you expecting a baby too?
Keep an eye out for upcoming articles about parenthood, father’s day and baby fever.
As Jimmy and Angelica prepare for their new addition, they’re discovering the joy and challenges of parenthood. From setting up the nursery to choosing the perfect name, every decision feels significant. We are prepared to support them and learn as much as we can with them. If you’re a parent or have been through this journey before, we invite you to share your wisdom and words of encouragement. Let’s build a community of support and celebration for growing families.
In the midst of diaper changes and sleepless nights, Jimmy will continue to serve his clients at SHED with the same dedication and skill. When the big day arrives, be prepared for the call that he’s taking some much needed paternity leave. We’re sure you understand how important family is at a time like this. His journey as a barber and a father will undoubtedly shape his perspective and strengthen his connection with the community. We’re proud to have him as part of the family, and we can’t wait to see him thrive in both his personal and professional life.
Join us in congratulating Jimmy and Angelica on their journey to parenthood. Send them your best wishes and share in their excitement as they embark on this new chapter. Parenthood is an incredible adventure, and we’re thrilled to have Jimmy as a shining example of love, dedication, and growth. Stay tuned for updates and more heartwarming stories from the SHED community.